timofey260 / RWE-Plus

Better version of official rain world editor
MIT License
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Editor does not output rendered image #62

Closed Brofes1 closed 1 week ago

Brofes1 commented 3 weeks ago

When attempting to render a level, it doesn't output a image, and gives an error in the console.

The log/error in question:

Initializing Zygote runtime Starting render of 1 levels Test_Error Adapted light rect \C:\Users\\OneDrive\Desktop\RWE+\LevelEditorProjects\Testing\Test_Error.png Start render saving: Test_Error ... Found file: 0 saved22: Test_Error Test_Error: Render succeeded in 00:00:08.7566783 Finished rendering in 00:00:08.7721513. 0 errored, 1 succeeded Process Process-1: Traceback (most recent call last): File "multiprocessing\process.py", line 314, in _bootstrap File "multiprocessing\process.py", line 108, in run File "lingotojson.py", line 411, in renderlevelProccess TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "WindowsPath") to str

Edit 1: Fixed bad formatting Edit 2: This happens with a level unchanged from "new level"

FateUnix29 commented 3 weeks ago

im having this issue too, with any level.

FateUnix29 commented 3 weeks ago

2.6.6 also has this bug (assuming you're on 2.6.7 like me)

FateUnix29 commented 3 weeks ago

the python file in specific is lingotojson.py, line 411. i can try to fix the issue and put a PR out there.

FateUnix29 commented 3 weeks ago

i patched it, trying to find the other thing where its trying to run 'c:\Users\Windows'. wackamole.