Open powlwoq opened 6 years ago
Please post the code and a test case.
I use the lib in a grails application. I've created a grails-service with following method:
boolean createNewGitIssue(Contact contactInstance, SecUser secUserInstance) {
boolean GIT_ACCESS = grailsApplication.config.eers.issuetracker ? true : false
boolean ret = false
Integer assigneeId
String labels = + ",User-Request"
String mailtolink = "mailto:${}?subject=${URLEncoder.encode(contactInstance.subject, "UTF-8").replaceAll("\\+", "%20")}"
String description = "Request from: <a href=${mailtolink}>${secUserInstance.lastName}, ${secUserInstance.firstName}</a> (${}} / User-Roles: " + springSecurityService.principal.authorities*.authority.join(", ") +
"<br>==================================================<br>Original message:<br>" +
contactInstance.message + "<br>==================================================<br>" +
try {
// initiate GitlabAPI
GitlabAPI gitlabAPI = GitlabAPI.connect(gitlabApiBaseUrl, assigneePrivateToken);
// get EERS project
GitlabProject gitlabProject = gitlabAPI.getProject("ESID", "EERS")
// add markdown for attachment to description if exists
if (!contactInstance.attachment.empty) {
File tempFile = new File(File.TempDirectory.location().getAbsolutePath() + File.separator +
GitlabUpload gitlabUpload = gitlabAPI.uploadFile(gitlabProject, tempFile)
description += "<br>" + gitlabUpload.markdown
log.debug("description: " + description)
// get assigneeId by username
assigneeId = getGitlabProjectMemberIdByUsername(gitlabAPI, gitlabProject, assigneeUserName)
if (assigneeId) {
// create new issue
log.debug("created new issue in git")
ret = true
} else {
log.error("assigneeId for \"${assigneeUserName}\" (gitlabUserName) not found")
} catch (ConnectException e) {
log.error("ConnectException thrown")
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("Exception thrown")
log.warn("No git-access configured in config")
return ret
The file is send to the gitlab server and the markdown is added to the issue but the file is corrupt. Any ideas? Thank you.
Hi, when you're having issues like this you need to narrow it down in a unit test with as few lines as possible so you can test the function only and not your logic. The included junit test that tests upload does work.
Any updates? I'm also can't get how to upload images to the project
Hi, I had the very same problem...
Here is how i fixed the problem:
File: org/gitlab/api/http/
Method: private void submitAttachments(HttpURLConnection connection)
try (Reader fileReader = new FileReader(binaryFile)) {
IOUtils.copy(fileReader, output);
output.flush(); // Important before continuing with writer!
writer.append(CRLF).flush(); // CRLF is important! It indicates end of boundary.
FileUtils.copyFile(binaryFile, output);
output.flush(); // Important before continuing with writer!
writer.append(CRLF); // additional crlf
writer.append(CRLF).flush(); // CRLF is important! It indicates end of boundary.
Also need to import:
But maybe it was just a missing CRLF after the file content...
Thank you for your comment! I've done it like you have described it. Just adding an additional CRLF was not sufficient. But with FileUtils now it works. Maybe you should add a pull request?!
Hi, first of all: thanks for this great library! I use it to let users of our web-application create new issues directly in our repository. This works fantastic but if i try to upload an image and add it to the issue the file gets corrupted. If i add a text-file everything works fine. I've tested it with .png, .jpg and *.gif. The size of the uploaded file increases by about 50 % also. If i upload the same files manually via the gui everything works fine. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.