timols / java-gitlab-api

A wrapper for the Gitlab API written in Java
Apache License 2.0
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A Tag object should be linked to a GitlabCommit instead of a GitlabBranchCommit #329

Closed Fractaliste closed 5 years ago

Fractaliste commented 5 years ago

Using pour API, I was wondering why I don't get any information about the user who do the commit.


List<GitlabTag> tags= gitlabAPI.getTags(projet);
// Always 0 !
long count = tags.stream().filter((tag) -> tag.getCommit().getAuthor() != null).count(); 

`` I think there is a mistake into the GitlabTag : https://github.com/timols/java-gitlab-api/blob/0406a7f97134ba50a0d8cdc452c1d439137174eb/src/main/java/org/gitlab/api/models/GitlabTag.java#L10

As far as I understand the Gitlab API the expected JSON looks more like your GitlabCommit object rather than GitlabBranchCommit.