timomer / HAPP

Hackabetes Artificial Pancreas Project
GNU General Public License v3.0
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More careportal integration #42

Open bmozisek opened 7 years ago

bmozisek commented 7 years ago

This is totally a wish list item, but I wanted to ask anyway. Would it be possible to add additional items to be pushed up to nightscout careportal. Since you are already pushing the temp rates, boluses and carbs, this might be an easy addition. Specifically, I'm looking for Exercise, Notes, Pump Site Change, Insulin Cartridge Change, CGM Sensor Insert, CGM Sensor Start.

timomer commented 7 years ago

Yep, pushing should not be difficult with NSClient, capturing the data in a nice way will need some work and UI redesign.

gempickfordwaugh commented 7 years ago

I'm guessing pulling from NS is harder than pushing? It's easier to add carbs/bolus from pebble careportal app than having to get the phone out to open HAPP. I'm guessing it'd already be set up if it was easy so I'm probably asking for the impossible - feel free to say b*gger off! What is already there is much appreciated!

timomer commented 7 years ago

To be honest with NSClient both should not be difficult at all. Its more the UI design and setting the time to one side. I have been having a good think about UI in the last few days and have a few ideas. Not top of the list but this is deff something I would like to add