timonsku / Damn-Linux-Tablet-PCB-Design-Files

Collection of PCB design files for DLT
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International
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Modular edge + mounting plate #3

Open eklem opened 10 months ago

eklem commented 10 months ago

Fantastic work! The idea with the mounting plate and modular edge is worth the project alone from my point of view! I'm just going to use OrangePi Zero 2 W and then connect a port or three on the edge.

So, not a real issue opened, but a thank you, and also a little idea that it could be a good design pattern, even if I don't use all the nice hardware you've designed.

timonsku commented 10 months ago

nice to hear, thank you! And for sure, the idea always was to build a system "specification". The specific implementation is not really relevant :) Unfortunately to develop specs you need a reference implementation and it became a bit prohibitive in terms of cost and time to fully flesh it out into a ready to use tablet. The Hackaday.io project log entries talk a bit more in-depth about some of the proposed concepts.