timonwong / OmniMarkupPreviewer

Sublime Text 2&3 plugin to live preview markup files, supported (not limited to) markup formats are markdown, reStructuredText, WikiCreole and textile.
MIT License
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OmniMarkupPreviewer 404 #93

Open Kristinita opened 8 years ago

Kristinita commented 8 years ago

Hello, I established OmniMarkupPreviewer. I open my page with Mediawiki markup and I press Ctrl + Alt + o to see it in my browser. But the mistake opened:

Error: 404 Not Found

Sorry, the requested URL '' caused an error:

'buffer_id(31) is not valid (closed or unsupported file format)'

**NOTE:** If you run multiple instances of Sublime Text, you may want to adjust
the `server_port` option in order to get this plugin work again.

I tried to change «Settings - User» as advised here:

    "server_host": "",
    "server_port": 9998

But the new mistake turned out:

Sorry, the requested URL '' caused an error:

'buffer_id(52) is not valid (closed or unsupported file format)'

**NOTE:** If you run multiple instances of Sublime Text, you may want to adjust
the `server_port` option in order to get this plugin work again.

What I need to make for the correct work of OmniMarkupPreviewer? Thanks.

jnns commented 8 years ago

It's most likely a formatting error in your document. You should see if previewing another document (a very minimal example) works.

If that's the case – or generally – have a look a the console output after issuing the preview command. It will display an error message like this:

docutils.utils.SystemMessage: :210: (SEVERE/4) Title level inconsistent

Kristinita commented 8 years ago

It's most likely a formatting error in your document. You should see if previewing another document (a very minimal example) works.

I tried to preview the most simple documents with Mediawiki markup for example and everywhere get the same error :disappointed: .

If that's the case – or generally – have a look a the console output after issuing the preview command. It will display an error message like this:

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:


Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Documents and Settings\Admin.USER-AC59577756\Application Data\Sublime Text 3\Packages\OmniMarkupPreviewer\OmniMarkupLib\RendererManager.py", line 266, in render_text rendered_text = renderer.render(text, filename=filename) File "C:\Documents and Settings\Admin.USER-AC59577756\Application Data\Sublime Text 3\Packages\OmniMarkupPreviewer\OmniMarkupLib\Renderers\base_renderer.py", line 77, in render text = self.executable_check(text, kwargs['filename']) File "C:\Documents and Settings\Admin.USER-AC59577756\Application Data\Sublime Text 3\Packages\OmniMarkupPreviewer\OmniMarkupLib\Renderers\base_renderer.py", line 106, in executable_check startupinfo=self.get_startupinfo()) File "./subprocess.py", line 824, in init File "./subprocess.py", line 1118, in _execute_child FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] Не удается найти указанный файл

It may be, has a value that I use a Windows XP, edit files in Russian and my default browser is Pale Moon. Thanks.

jfcherng commented 7 years ago


tianleiyiji123 commented 6 years ago

Find the python-markdown sublime package.

On the Mac: subl "/Users//Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/OmniMarkupPreviewer/OmniMarkupLib/Renderers/libs/mdx_strikeout.py"

Replace the makeExtension() method with the following:

def makeExtension(*args, *kwargs): return StrikeoutExtension(args, **kwargs)

Save, quit and reload Sublime Text.