timotejroiko / sweph

The definitive Swiss Ephemeris bindings for Node.js
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Astrodienst Dropbox folder is too big to be downloaded #18

Open mephitrpg opened 6 months ago

mephitrpg commented 6 months ago

Hi, i'm workinog on Windows 11.

I'd like to download all the Swiss Ephemeris files, not main planets only, because I need asteroids' informations too. So I tried to download the Dropbox folder.

I own a free Dropbox account, but when I try to download I get a "too big" message and the download does not start.

I tried some browser extension and utilities like JDownloader without success.

Then I decided to download each sub folder manually but the web interface has some strange behaviours, the result is that the numeration in the folders' names appears to be messy. I tried different browsers but the problem remains.

Are there alternative ways to download all the files?


timotejroiko commented 6 months ago


Unfortunately the public dropbox folders are the only location where the files can be downloaded from.

Astrodienst recommends users to download only the files they need to avoid wasting a lot of bandwidth, as its unusual for someone to actually need all of the 600k+ asteroids.

But if you really want all of them, downloading the folders as zip is still the most efficient method, but you can also look into scripts that automate the download process, third party clients, or even write your own script.

Here's dropbox's guide on how generate direct links: https://help.dropbox.com/share/force-download

You can for example take the direct download link for one of the folders, and write a script that automates the downloads: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/y3naz62gy6f6qfrhquu7u/h/all_ast/FOLDER NAME HERE?rlkey=ejltdhb262zglm7eo6yfj2940&dl=1

Also, if you don't need data for years <1600 and >2200, then you only need the files in the "all_ast" folder, which should total about 5-10gb. The "long_ast" folder is only needed if you need a larger range, and the files are much bigger, if im not mistaken the complete 600k asteroids in the "long_ast" folder takes more than 70GB of space.