myitem = {
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The error :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<AddFixedPriceItemResponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
<ShortMessage>Manca la specifica delloggetto relativa a {0}.</ShortMessage>
<LongMessage>Manca la specifica delloggetto relativa a {0}. Aggiungi {0\} a questa inserzione, inserisci un valore valido e riprova.</LongMessage>
<ErrorParameters ParamID="0">
<Value>Manca la specifica delloggetto relativa a {0}.</Value>
<ErrorParameters ParamID="1">
<Value>Manca la specifica delloggetto relativa a {0}. Aggiungi {0\} a questa inserzione, inserisci un valore valido e riprova.</Value>
<ErrorParameters ParamID="2">
<ShortMessage>Manca la specifica delloggetto relativa a {0}.</ShortMessage>
<LongMessage>Manca la specifica delloggetto relativa a {0}. Aggiungi {0\} a questa inserzione, inserisci un valore valido e riprova.</LongMessage>
<ErrorParameters ParamID="0">
<Value>Manca la specifica delloggetto relativa a {0}.</Value>
<ErrorParameters ParamID="1">
<Value>Manca la specifica delloggetto relativa a {0}. Aggiungi {0\} a questa inserzione, inserisci un valore valido e riprova.</Value>
<ErrorParameters ParamID="2">
Please , i'm stuck with this problem for long time ...
Someone out there can help me to understand the right sintax to use for add an item with a fixed price ? or some one can provide a json example to test ?
@ilmetu if brand and MPN are both blank, I believe you can just leave them off. I have not had to use "not applicable" before.. However this is mostly on the API, so I suppose it could differ?
i'm using python-ebaysdk for Add an item (Fixed Price), i'm stuck with an error (Mpn and Brand it seems) and i don't understand how to correctly write the json or the xml , i followed the example here :
This is the json :
The error :
Please , i'm stuck with this problem for long time ... Someone out there can help me to understand the right sintax to use for add an item with a fixed price ? or some one can provide a json example to test ?
Thank you so much