timotheus / ebaysdk-python

eBay API SDK for Python
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Browse API Support #329

Open geowat opened 3 years ago

geowat commented 3 years ago

From recent Finding and Shopping API daily limit increase queries, eBay told us that they have stopped increasing the limits on these APIs as they are now being considered as deprecated, which I had no clue that was the case! They recommended to start using Browse API as it can now do everything Finding and Shopping API would be able to do.

My understanding is that Browse API is not supported by ebaysdk-python library? Is that true and are there any plans to support Browse API in the near future? Thanks

rkubik commented 5 months ago

Ebay will be decommissioning the finding API next year, will this SDK be updated soon?

fullbeats commented 3 weeks ago

Waiting for a Browse API Update as well 🙏