timotheus / ebaysdk-python

eBay API SDK for Python
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Shopping Module - Get Single Item #333

Open declanjcurrey opened 3 years ago

declanjcurrey commented 3 years ago


Trying to get a single item using the shopping module but I keep getting an error regarding a missing query, code I'm using:

`shopping_api = shopping_connection(siteid='EBAY-GB', appid="APPID", devid="DEVID", certid="CERTID", token="TOKEN", config_file=None, debug=True)

shopping_response = shopping_api.execute('GetSingleItem', { "ItemId": '113828623829', 'IncludeSelector': 'Details' })`


ebaysdk.exception.ConnectionError: 'GetSingleItem: Class: RequestError, Severity: Error, Code: 10.1, Please specify a query!Please specify a query!'

Is there anything wrong with my code here?

Thanks in advance

nochkin commented 3 years ago

The key "ItemId" has incorrect capitalization. It must be "ItemID" (note the last two characters being in upper-case): https://developer.ebay.com/devzone/shopping/docs/callref/getsingleitem.html

declanjcurrey commented 3 years ago

Thank you!!