timotheus / ebaysdk-python

eBay API SDK for Python
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Trading API headers issue #376

Open slonopot opened 1 year ago

slonopot commented 1 year ago

There's an issue with Trading API and maybe with the configs themselves. When building headers, some values are being pulled from config and Connection parameters. As we don't need anything other than appid and token, other values (such as devid, keys/certs) are not required. The issue is that these values are None in config, and when config.get(val, default) is being called, it returns None. Later the header check fails. There's probably a better way to deal with this, but as a hotfix one can use:


def get(self, cKey, defaultValue=None):
    val = self.values.get(cKey, defaultValue)
    if val is None:
        return defaultValue
    return val
slonopot commented 1 year ago

Another quality of life feature could be some sort of automatic value parsing


def _setattr(self, name, value, datetime_nodes):
if name.lower() in datetime_nodes:
        ts = "%s %s" % (value.partition(
            'T')[0], value.partition('T')[2].partition('.')[0])
        value = datetime.datetime.strptime(ts, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    except ValueError:

if value == 'true':
    value = True
elif value == 'false':
    value = False
        value = float(value)
        if value % 1 == 0:
            value = int(value)

setattr(self, name, value)