timothycrosley / streamdeck-ui

A Linux compatible UI for the Elgato Stream Deck.
MIT License
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program does not launch after installing #330

Closed EWeapon closed 1 year ago

EWeapon commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug After installing the program ether using the terminal command "Streamdeck" or clicking on the program icon will fail to launch. Terminal will sit on "looking for streamdeck(s)...", program icon will launch an icon on the task bar with a loading wheel for about 2 seconds before closing

No errors are presented at any point, not sure where to move from here, any assistance or insight would be appreciated

Thank you.

Operating system (please complete the following information)

Stream Deck Version

dodgyrabbit commented 1 year ago

Can you describe how you went about installing? From the screenshot it appears that you are running an old version.

Not saying it will fix your problem to upgrade, but let's start there.

The basic Ubuntu install instructions is here: https://timothycrosley.github.io/streamdeck-ui/docs/installation/ubuntu/ https://timothycrosley.github.io/streamdeck-ui/docs/troubleshooting/

There are some challenges with Ubuntu 23.04, search the forum for some examples. You should be installing it in a virtual environment (this requirement is new in 23.04).

EWeapon commented 1 year ago

So i started at step one on your instruction's by installing hidapi

Then eddited the .bashrc to add the path location stated bashrc

Then ran the command to create the streamdeck rules file streamdeckrules

Ran the trigger (funny side story, this command fixed my audio card)

Created the virtual environment and was presented with the following error virtual env

I then hit up google for ideas and was eventually (you are probably gonna hate me for this) lead to a .deb that was put together at https://ubuntu.pkgs.org/22.04/ubuntu-universe-arm64/streamdeck-ui_1.1.2-2_all.deb.html

after running that deb is where i sit now, no further errors but no functionality

thank you again for your time, and im sorry for any frustrations i have caused in detouring from instruction

djnrrd commented 1 year ago

Given that you have activated the virtual environment, you do not need to use the --user option when installing

EWeapon commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much djnrrd, that got me past that spot, however continuing the install from there resulted in a permissions error (error 13), im not sure why i don't have perms for an environment i just made, any ideas on that? Permissions error 13

djnrrd commented 1 year ago

Hmm, that's an odd one, but at least you are dealing with an OS layer issue now, and not a Python or streamdeck-ui issue. Looks like you're going to need to do a bunch of fudging with ls -al chown and chmod

EWeapon commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much!. I was able to get permission's on the folder by chomod -R on the directory and can run the application now. Two question's since i had to install this on a virtual environment do i need to activate the enviroment each time i wish to use the stream deck? might be a good idea to make a shell script for it then. and would the environment effect detecting the device, as it stands now it still does not see it

again i seriously appreciate the help so far, thank you

djnrrd commented 1 year ago

since i had to install this on a virtual environment do i need to activate the enviroment each time i wish to use the stream deck? might be a good idea to make a shell script for it then.

Correct, I'll be doing the same after I fix all the scripts my streamdeck calls

and would the environment effect detecting the device, as it stands now it still does not see it

Hmm, it shouldn't. Python environments are really just about updating paths so that the environment is preferred and you can silo your required libraries. You should still have access to the rest of the file system and it's hardware. Double check the instructions that you've got all the right libraries, and have done all the udev related bits. Otherwise I'm stumped, I was only here today to try and resolve my own issues, but glad I could help you move further with yours :)

EWeapon commented 1 year ago

after messing around for a bit i found that the issue was the USB port, swapping to another allowed full useability of the device

closing issue, thank you everyone for your help