timothymiller / t4-app

A powerful cross-platform UI toolkit for building actually native iOS, Android, macOS, Windows, Linux, and Progressive Web Apps with React (Native).
MIT License
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Confusion with T3 #110

Closed iamshanvy closed 7 months ago

iamshanvy commented 7 months ago

Hey everyone, first and foremost, cool project, been following for a while!

I would like to raise a concern about the confusion that is happening in the community, a number of users of this project mistakenly associate this project with t3 due to the very similar naming. Although the readme clearly states the author of the project, it's much less clear on the website.

I would like to propose a simple resolution in the form of FAQ section on the project's main page and readme file. It could clearly state that this project is not affiliated with, associated with, or endorsed by t3.

I believe proposed change will beneficial for the community, save confusion and will help in maintaining the distinct identities of both projects. I am more than willing to assist in drafting or refining FAQ section if needed.

appreciate all maintainers for the hard work!


t3dotgg commented 7 months ago

I get questions about this project at least once a day from people assuming it's part of my open source crew. The previous justification for the name isn't even true anymore since TurboRepo was dropped.


While I appreciate the suggestion of making clearer call outs on the site and readme, I have been around enough to know nobody reads those. As long as this project is named "T3 + 1", it will be assumed to be part of the t3-oss crew's work. I think rebranding this project is the best faith path forward.

albbus-stack commented 7 months ago

I get questions about this project at least once a day from people assuming it's part of my open source crew. The previous justification for the name isn't even true anymore since TurboRepo was dropped.


While I appreciate the suggestion of making clearer call outs on the site and readme, I have been around enough to know nobody reads those. As long as this project is named "T3 + 1", it will be assumed to be part of the t3-oss crew's work. I think rebranding this project is the best faith path forward.

Yeah the original name of the stack doesn't hold up anymore in that way but T4 is Tamagui + TypeScript + tRPC + Tauri so actually it does make sense.

The fact that people don't read is also very true (kinda depressing but that's the audience nowadays even on github) and that's a great point to be made if you sincerely have them bugging you everyday.

I'm clearly not opposed in any way in changing name but I'm not the one to decide 😅

mcalhoun commented 7 months ago

I get questions about this project at least once a day from people assuming it's part of my open source crew. The previous justification for the name isn't even true anymore since TurboRepo was dropped.


While I appreciate the suggestion of making clearer call outs on the site and readme, I have been around enough to know nobody reads those. As long as this project is named "T3 + 1", it will be assumed to be part of the t3-oss crew's work. I think rebranding this project is the best faith path forward.

I personally don’t think there’s confusion between the two project names anymore than I would think that @t3dotgg created the D3 visualization library because it’s a letter plus a three that sound like each other. IMHO, it’s a bit of an overreach to ask this project to rebrand because of this. I also don’t think Google created the k9s console or that Mark Andreessen’s firm has anything to do with Kubernetes because they used the same first letter/num chars/last letter abbreviation. Naming is hard.

tadeumaia commented 7 months ago

And here in my corner, I thought everyone was just ripping off Microsoft (2005).


lofimichael commented 7 months ago

There was definitely some initial confusion on my end (especially with T3 Turbo - https://github.com/t3-oss/create-t3-turbo) with React Native. Though I wholly believe that many projects existing in open source is marvelous (and the overall goal), there should be some delineation between them that lets us quicker understand the ecosystem options (with different maintainers and differing levels of opinionation).

t3dotgg commented 7 months ago

I personally don’t think there’s confusion between the two project names anymore than I would think that @t3dotgg created the D3 visualization library because it’s a letter plus a three that sound like each other. IMHO, it’s a bit of an overreach to ask this project to rebrand because of this. I also don’t think Google created the k9s console or that Mark Andreessen’s firm has anything to do with Kubernetes because they used the same first letter/num chars/last letter abbreviation. Naming is hard.

@mcalhoun, if T3 was an alternative way of building charts, the T3 name would be inappropriate.

It is obvious that this project is built as an alternative to create-t3-app. All but 2 of its followers also follow me. I get asked every day about my "new project" T4.

It is obvious this project is trying to coast off of my likeness. I think that's inappropriate. Clearly many others agree. Hopefully @timothymiller will have something to say eventually.

mcalhoun commented 7 months ago

Would you then agree, @t3dotgg, that tRPC is coasting off the success/likeness/name built by gRPC and should be renamed?

Open source has always generated "alternatives" that sound like the originals...we have had MEAN/MERN/MEEN stack, Javascript/Coffeescript/Typescript, and countless others that sound the same but are a "slight variation" to the original name, while also giving a nod/tribute to the original name.

FWIW, I have nothing to do with either project (t3-app or t4-app), I am just an opinionated, long-time OSS consumer and maintainer who generally enjoys your (@t3dotgg) content, but my personal opinion here is that your request is an unreasonable one.

iamshanvy commented 7 months ago

Hi @mcalhoun

I believe MEAN/MERN/MEEN or tRPC and gRPC implies variation while t4 can interpreted as the "improved" or "successor" to t3. I personally think that people confuse it that way (i did initially).

I don't have data to backup but I imagine due to the strong branding of t3-oss stuff, it's possible that majority of users of t4 came from t3? Although I am not sure if full rebrand is the way, I get where Theo is coming from (I am sure you can understand too)

Lastly I doubt community will be opposed to rebrand, in fact it can make brand stronger, It's important to hear original intention with the naming from the author of the project too.

timothymiller commented 7 months ago

This request lacks merit and does not hold any validity.

I strongly object to the use of profanity in the direct messages that have been sent to me. Such language is disrespectful, inappropriate, and goes against our established code of conduct.

I must insist that you immediately cease the ongoing harassment campaign, as it not only violates our code of conduct but also poses a significant threat to the safety and well-being of our community members.

t3dotgg commented 7 months ago

For the record, the only thing close to profanity I've DM'd Tim is "this fkn sucks"
