timothymiller / t4-app

A powerful cross-platform UI toolkit for building actually native iOS, Android, macOS, Windows, Linux, and Progressive Web Apps with React (Native).
MIT License
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`pnpm create t4-app` fails #93

Closed szebert closed 8 months ago

szebert commented 8 months ago


tamagui-build fails because the pnpm install failed because there is no pnpm-workspace.yaml file

Okay.. so I added one with this inside:

  - 'apps/*'
  - 'packages/*'

And ran pnpm install and got this: image

Okay.. so let's try yarn now? (after removing all nested node_modules folders and the lock file):

szebert@Szeberts-MBP test-t4-app % yarn install
yarn install v1.22.19
info No lockfile found.
[1/5] πŸ”  Validating package.json...
warning t4-app-monorepo@3.0.0: The engine "bun" appears to be invalid.
[2/5] πŸ”  Resolving packages...
[3/5] 🚚  Fetching packages...
warning workspace-aggregator-af6f8948-d501-4010-b6a6-85e88386d496@3.0.0: The engine "bun" appears to be invalid.
[4/5] πŸ”—  Linking dependencies...
[5/5] πŸ”¨  Building fresh packages...
success Saved lockfile.
$ bun run build
$ cd packages/ui && tamagui-build
built @t4/ui in 56 ms
✨  Done in 130.46s.

Okay, while omitting around 2 dozen unmet peer dependency warnings, it looks like I can finally run this?

szebert@Szeberts-MBP test-t4-app % yarn dev  
yarn run v1.22.19
warning t4-app-monorepo@3.0.0: The engine "bun" appears to be invalid.
$ turbo dev --parallel --filter={next-app,@t4/api}
Error: We detected multiple package managers in your repository: yarn, bun. Please remove one of them.
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.

Okay.. right, this project uses bun. So let's remove yarn and install with bun (after removing all nested node_modules folders and the lock file): image Looks like it's working now.. let's try to run bun dev:

szebert@Szeberts-MBP test-t4-app % bun dev
$ turbo dev --parallel --filter={next-app,@t4/api}
β€’ Packages in scope: @t4/api, next-app
β€’ Running dev in 2 packages
β€’ Remote caching disabled
next-app:dev: cache bypass, force executing 8236184cfec690e8
@t4/api:dev: cache bypass, force executing 94b5a82d1d39c133
@t4/api:dev: $ wrangler dev
next-app:dev: $ bun with-env next dev
next-app:dev: $ dotenv -e ../../.env.local -- next dev
@t4/api:dev:  ⛅️ wrangler 3.15.0
@t4/api:dev: -------------------
@t4/api:dev: β–² [WARNING] Enabling Node.js compatibility mode for built-ins and globals. This is experimental and has serious tradeoffs. Please see https://github.com/ionic-team/rollup-plugin-node-polyfills/ for more details.
@t4/api:dev: Your worker has access to the following bindings:
@t4/api:dev: - D1 Databases:
@t4/api:dev:   - DB: production (aa5e3923-0f1b-469a-8bb8-d10fb866efe0)
@t4/api:dev: βŽ” Starting local server...
βŽ” Reloading local server...
[mf:inf] Ready on
[mf:inf] -
[mf:inf] -
[mf:inf] -
[mf:inf] Updated and ready on
next-app:dev:  β—‹ (pwa) PWA support is disabled.
next-app:dev:  β—‹ (pwa) PWA support is disabled.
next-app:dev:   β–² Next.js 13.5.6
next-app:dev:   - Local:        http://localhost:3000
next-app:dev:   - Environments: .env
next-app:dev:   - Experiments (use at your own risk):
next-app:dev:      Β· scrollRestoration
next-app:dev:      Β· forceSwcTransforms
next-app:dev:  βœ“ Ready in 3.6s
next-app:dev: <w> [webpack.cache.PackFileCacheStrategy/webpack.FileSystemInfo] Resolving 'next/dist/compiled/webpack/webpack-lib' in /Users/szebert/CodeProjects/test-t4-app/node_modules/@ducanh2912/next-pwa/dist for build dependencies doesn't lead to expected result '/Users/szebert/CodeProjects/test-t4-app/node_modules/next/dist/compiled/webpack/webpack-lib.js', but to '/Users/szebert/CodeProjects/test-t4-app/node_modules/@ducanh2912/next-pwa/node_modules/next/dist/compiled/webpack/webpack-lib.js' instead. Resolving dependencies are ignored for this path.
next-app:dev: <w>  at unknown 4 next/dist/compiled/webpack/webpack-lib
next-app:dev: <w>  at file dependencies /Users/szebert/CodeProjects/test-t4-app/node_modules/@ducanh2912/next-pwa/dist/index.cjs
next-app:dev: <w>  at file /Users/szebert/CodeProjects/test-t4-app/node_modules/@ducanh2912/next-pwa/dist/index.cjs
next-app:dev: <w>  at file dependencies /Users/szebert/CodeProjects/test-t4-app/apps/next/next.config.js
next-app:dev: <w>  at file /Users/szebert/CodeProjects/test-t4-app/apps/next/next.config.js
next-app:dev: <w>  at resolve commonjs /Users/szebert/CodeProjects/test-t4-app/apps/next/next.config.js
next-app:dev: <w> [webpack.cache.PackFileCacheStrategy/webpack.FileSystemInfo] Resolving 'next/dist/compiled/webpack/webpack-lib' in /Users/szebert/CodeProjects/test-t4-app/node_modules/@tamagui/next-plugin/dist/cjs for build dependencies doesn't lead to expected result '/Users/szebert/CodeProjects/test-t4-app/node_modules/next/dist/compiled/webpack/webpack-lib.js', but to '/Users/szebert/CodeProjects/test-t4-app/node_modules/@tamagui/next-plugin/node_modules/next/dist/compiled/webpack/webpack-lib.js' instead. Resolving dependencies are ignored for this path.
next-app:dev: <w>  at unknown 4 next/dist/compiled/webpack/webpack-lib
next-app:dev: <w>  at file dependencies /Users/szebert/CodeProjects/test-t4-app/node_modules/@tamagui/next-plugin/dist/cjs/withTamagui.js
next-app:dev: <w>  at file /Users/szebert/CodeProjects/test-t4-app/node_modules/@tamagui/next-plugin/dist/cjs/withTamagui.js
next-app:dev: <w>  at file dependencies /Users/szebert/CodeProjects/test-t4-app/node_modules/@tamagui/next-plugin/dist/cjs/index.js
next-app:dev: <w>  at file /Users/szebert/CodeProjects/test-t4-app/node_modules/@tamagui/next-plugin/dist/cjs/index.js
next-app:dev: <w>  at file dependencies /Users/szebert/CodeProjects/test-t4-app/apps/next/next.config.js
next-app:dev: <w>  at file /Users/szebert/CodeProjects/test-t4-app/apps/next/next.config.js
next-app:dev: <w>  at resolve commonjs /Users/szebert/CodeProjects/test-t4-app/apps/next/next.config.js
next-app:dev:     ➑ [tamagui] built config and components (1303ms):
next-app:dev:         Config     ./.tamagui/tamagui.config.cjs
next-app:dev:         Components ./.tamagui/tamagui-components.config.cjs
next-app:dev:              ./.tamagui/t4ui-components.config.cjs
next-app:dev: ⚠️ Tamagui Warning [001]: Skipping loading /Users/szebert/CodeProjects/test-t4-app/apps/next/.tamagui/tamagui.config.cjs due to error bundling.
next-app:dev:    - message: Cannot access 'Stack' before initialization
next-app:dev:    - for more info see: https://tamagui.dev/docs/intro/errors#warning-001
next-app:dev:    - set TAMAGUI_SHOW_FULL_BUNDLE_ERRORS=1 to see stack trace
next-app:dev: ⚠️ Tamagui Warning [001]: Skipping loading /Users/szebert/CodeProjects/test-t4-app/apps/next/.tamagui/tamagui-components.config.cjs due to error bundling.
next-app:dev:    - message: Cannot access 'Stack' before initialization
next-app:dev:    - for more info see: https://tamagui.dev/docs/intro/errors#warning-001
next-app:dev:    - set TAMAGUI_SHOW_FULL_BUNDLE_ERRORS=1 to see stack trace
next-app:dev: ⚠️ Tamagui Warning [001]: Skipping loading /Users/szebert/CodeProjects/test-t4-app/apps/next/.tamagui/t4ui-components.config.cjs due to error bundling.
next-app:dev:    - message: Cannot access 'Stack' before initialization
next-app:dev:    - for more info see: https://tamagui.dev/docs/intro/errors#warning-001
next-app:dev:    - set TAMAGUI_SHOW_FULL_BUNDLE_ERRORS=1 to see stack trace
next-app:dev: Missing theme, an error occurred when importing your config
next-app:dev: Got config: [Function (anonymous)] {
next-app:dev:   displayName: 'ProxyWorm - Check excludeReactNativeWebExports',
next-app:dev:   _isProxyWorm: true
next-app:dev: }
next-app:dev: Looking for theme: displayName

Getting this when trying to access localhost:3000 and only getting a back an ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED.

Can we have a working pnpm create t4-app (or bun create t4-app) that we can we can just run pnpm dev right after? This will help with getting new people on board.

albbus-stack commented 8 months ago

Fixed in the latest commit.

@timothymiller just forgot to bump the cli version so the published package was still the old one