Currently a players mob sprite is displayed with the body and limbs in unison without being able to remove anything. The old /tg/ sprites were like this but the newer sprites have each limbs broken up into separate components. This allows simulation of lost limbs, which is something that is already a feature code wise in ZomboTropolis. Graphically this has yet to be added. By changing the sprites to the new format we can simulate a players losing an arm, leg, or even a head. Nom nom nom!
Currently a players mob sprite is displayed with the body and limbs in unison without being able to remove anything. The old /tg/ sprites were like this but the newer sprites have each limbs broken up into separate components. This allows simulation of lost limbs, which is something that is already a feature code wise in ZomboTropolis. Graphically this has yet to be added. By changing the sprites to the new format we can simulate a players losing an arm, leg, or even a head. Nom nom nom!