timpaul / form-extractor-prototype

A prototype of a tool that generates web forms from document forms
MIT License
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Add ability to compare different LLMs #14

Open timpaul opened 2 months ago

timpaul commented 2 months ago

The tool currently uses Claude, but other LLMs could also do this task. We need to be able to compare the effectiveness of multiple models, so we can choose the right one

timpaul commented 1 month ago

Perhaps a 'settings' page where you can both set the API and the model you want to use?

nicolasperez19 commented 4 weeks ago

You could look at OpenRouter as an option to easily switch between models. They have a Javascript/Typescript API which would make integration easy. With OpenRouter you'd also be able to automatically switch between models if there are outages, price hikes, or performance issues.

timpaul commented 4 weeks ago

Thanks @nicolasperez19 - I'll take a look at that :-)