timqian / chart.xkcd

xkcd styled chart lib
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Why is repo-analytics archived? #100

Open Botspot opened 4 months ago

Botspot commented 4 months ago

I was instructed to open an issue here, after asking about this on this other github site: https://github.com/star-history/star-history/issues/396

This question is for user @timqian. Repo-Analytics was a very useful tool. I used it often to check on the long term trend of git clones and referring websites. Then one day the website stopped loading. I cannot access the data anymore.

ByteBase took over maintenance for your star-history project. Can they also repair repo-analytics? Many people would find that helpful. No other online tool has the same capabilities.

timqian commented 4 months ago

Hey @Botspot, sorry about the inconvenience. repo-analytics is discontinued because I have lost interest in it. You may need to make some changes and deploy the service yourself if you want to use it. Also, If you would like to help bring it back and maintain it, I am happy to transfer the repo to you

Botspot commented 4 months ago

Hey @Botspot, sorry about the inconvenience. repo-analytics is discontinued because I have lost interest in it. You may need to make some changes and deploy the service yourself if you want to use it. Also, If you would like to help bring it back and maintain it, I am happy to transfer the repo to you

I will need to take some time to review the source code to see how easily it is to maintain. My primary familiarity is shell scripting. Do you happen to have an archive of the traffic data for the repos in my account, and would you be willing to send it to me?

timqian commented 4 months ago


@Botspot this it the data I find(repo-analytics discontinued at 2021)