timqian / things-to-build

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编写编写去中心化服务的框架 #68

Open timqian opened 6 years ago

timqian commented 6 years ago

Two directions

  1. user only need a client(i.e. browser); p2p nodes server user(example?)
  2. user himself behave as a node, provide services to other user(zeronet mode, bittorrent)

The aim is: the service provider did not need to rent servers to provide product to user. websites like modelo.io; facebook.com; google.com; etc. can be deployed on the p2p network; user provide computational resource?

Still thinking

timqian commented 6 years ago


对于facebook 这种应用,用户数据以及用户之间的关系需要频繁更新,意味着服务器需要快速操作数据库。在去中心化的场景中,要保证用户无论访问哪个节点,得到的结果都是一样的,这就意味着网络中每一个节点都需要拥有整个数据库。 另外因为每个节点也需要拥有更新数据库的能力,节点数据的同步也是一个很大的问题。

暂时看不到解决的办法,先学习下 torrent;DHT,zeronet 什么的是怎么做的吧

