timsueberkrueb / webber

Making webapps superfluous since 2019
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Webber fails to create webapp on PinePhone #33

Closed wah211 closed 3 years ago

wah211 commented 4 years ago

I'm running Ubuntu Touch stable #3 on my PinePhone.

When trying to create a webapp, the app gets to the "Exporting" step and the webapp shortcut never shows up in the app drawer.

gbdomubpkm commented 4 years ago

For me, seen today in RC 5 (my first day of use, i got the Pinephone yesterday), the .click is well created and is in the Webber cache: I was able to install it manually. But the page of the click of this site https://www.lequipe.fr/Tennis/ is displayed in desktop mode by default whereas I didn't ask for it.

timsueberkrueb commented 4 years ago

It's probably an AppArmor-related bug that affects all click apps on the PinePhone: https://gitlab.com/ubports/community-ports/pinephone/-/issues/30. Unfortunately, until this is fixed in Ubuntu touch, there's nothing Webber can do about it.

Vistaus commented 4 years ago

Same goes for Ubuntu Touch on the Poco F1 using Halium: everything works fine, except for Webber which can't create any web apps. Hope that AppArmor issue gets fixed soon, otherwise I can't make the full switch to Ubuntu Touch (I need a couple web apps at the very least).

timsueberkrueb commented 4 years ago

Although not ideal, as @gbdomubpkm mentioned, you can actually manually install the package that Webber generates. To do so, open the terminal app and run:

cd ~/.cache/webber.timsueberkrueb/click-build

There should be a .click package corresponding to the shortcut you just configured in Webber. Now, in order to install it, run:

pkcon install-local --allow-untrusted App.click

where App.click is the filename of the generated .click package.

Vistaus commented 4 years ago

That works, but the web apps immediately crash after opening them.

timsueberkrueb commented 4 years ago

Is this a general problem of webapps on your phone or does this only affect webapps created with Webber?

Vistaus commented 4 years ago

Only those created with Webber.

gbdomubpkm commented 4 years ago

@Vistaus Hi. Are you on the last stable or the last RC ? I'm on RC 5 and it's 'work' for me. Can you share one or two unclassified links that doesn't work for you ? I will test if i can run the webapps created.

Vistaus commented 4 years ago

@gbdomubpkm As I said: I am running UT on a Poco F1 with Halium, so it doesn't really show any version number (at least not that I can find). However, I did use the latest UBPorts installer when I flashed UT last week, so it should be fairly recent.

I tried Webber with web.skype.com and instagram.com

gbdomubpkm commented 4 years ago

@Vistaus Sorry, as the issue was about Pinephone, i thought you used a Pinephone also i can only say that :

Vistaus commented 4 years ago

@Vistaus Sorry, as the issue was about Pinephone, i thought you used a Pinephone > also i can only say that :

Maybe I will buy a PinePhone, but not before I'm convinced I can switch to UT, which is why the Poco F1 provides a nice testing bed for now :)

  • I think skype isn't currently supported by ALL UT phones.

It works fine in Morph Browser, so it should be possible to make a Skype web app.

I saw that you tried Ruben Carneiro Webapp : you can read this https://forums.ubports.com/topic/3800/skype-web-app

Thanks, but I'm not looking to make Skype video calls, just text chats :) The web app over there seems to crash as well for me.

  • About Instagram, no problem to run the webapp on Pinephone for me (no problem to display the login page, after I don't know).

Strange. It does work fine in Morph Browser, just like Skype, so it should work for me as well than. Which is why I think that AppArmor might be causing the issue (see the bug report link a few posts above).

gbdomubpkm commented 4 years ago

@Vistaus for me, i always get DEVICE NOT SUPPORTED thru morph-browser (OPO, BQ E5 HD, PinePhone...) with web.skype.com. But i never use skype, so maybe i do something wrong and you are right !

joopdo commented 4 years ago

Webber does not work for me on OP3 either. I see AppArmor errors in the log. Behavior is crash immediately after I share a link, or a crash as soon as I paste a link under 'add'.

2br-2b commented 4 years ago

I ended up getting Webber to work on my Pinephone. I created the app through Webber, then did the following:

  1. Opened the File Manager app
  2. Chose to show hidden files
  3. Navigated to ~/.cache/webber.timsuberkreub/click-build/
  4. Opened the .click file with OpenStore
  5. Confirmed the installation of the unknown app

The web apps I make using this work great! The only problem is that the width of the website is usually off when initially loading, but at least I have a web app that works!

jojumaxx commented 3 years ago

@2br-2b How do you "open the .click file with OpenStore"? The File Manager app doesn't offer me any options to do so...

timsueberkrueb commented 3 years ago

@jojumaxx I don't know but you can always install it using the terminal: pkcon install-local --allow-untrusted App.click.

jojumaxx commented 3 years ago

Yes, I do so. Would have just been a tiny bit more comfortable.

2br-2b commented 3 years ago

@jojumaxx I meant ~/.cache, not /cache. I changed that my previous post.

Can you find the .click file?

timsueberkrueb commented 3 years ago

I've created a new wiki page to track the current status of Webber on different devices: https://github.com/timsueberkrueb/webber/wiki/Device-Support-Status. Please feel free to contribute your findings on your device.

timsueberkrueb commented 3 years ago

In my testing with the latest development state, Webber now fully works on the PinePhone (dev channel). Can anyone confirm this?

gbdomubpkm commented 3 years ago

@timsueberkrueb Hello. I would have liked to confirm but sorry, I don't have my PinePhone with me during the vacations because I can't use it except for tests... I hope someone else can do it. On the other hand, I have seen your work 👋 and look forward to testing a new update of Webber on my Volla..

gbdomubpkm commented 3 years ago

Hello. Holidays over and Pinephone in hand. I confirm that the webapps installation process is now complete on Pinephone: tested and controlled in RC 23 of 20 August 2021.

timsueberkrueb commented 3 years ago

Thank you! I'm closing this (PinePhone-specific) issue. For any issues with other devices, please contribute to the Device Support Status wiki page and/or open a new issue.