timsueberkrueb / webber

Making webapps superfluous since 2019
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Fails to install click apps on Pinetab 2 #71

Open OttingerBlake opened 11 months ago

OttingerBlake commented 11 months ago

Webber exports apps successfully and creates the .click apps within the cache folder. However, they are not installed, and attempting to install the .click files manually (opening it in OpenStore or using pkcon) results in an error:

phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~/.cache/webber.timsueberkrueb/click-build$ sudo pkcon install-local --allow-untrusted Wikipedia.click [sudo] password for phablet: Installing files [=========================] Finished [=========================] Fatal error: No such file /home/phablet/.cache/webber.timsueberkrueb/click-build/Wikipedia.click, or unknown or unsupported content type

Running on the Pinetab 2 using UBPorts Focal.

Edit: Possibly related to apparmour issues. Haven't made much more progress than this, will update this issue with findings.