timtrice / HURDAT

HURDAT is a dataset of best-track analysis for Atlantic and NE Pacific cyclones. This R package scrapes and parses that dataset.
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Ensure all regexp classes inside of [] #5

Closed hadley closed 3 years ago

hadley commented 4 years ago

This ensures that HURDAT will work with the upcoming release of tidyr which removes the stringi dependency in favour of using base R regular expression functions. I think using [:digit:] instead of [[:digit:]] is technically incorrect, but the stringi regular expression engine was kind enough to accept it anyway (since it's pretty unambiguous). PCRE, however, wants the full form.

I'd like to submit tidyr to CRAN in the near future, so I'd really appreciate if you could let me know whether or not this looks ok to you.

hadley commented 4 years ago

It's been almost a week and I haven't heard anything, so I'm going to go ahead and submit tidyr to CRAN; you'll get an email from them in the near future to say that you package is failing, but you have this PR ready to go.