timusus / RecyclerView-FastScroll

A simple FastScroller for Android's RecyclerView
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Recyclerview inside NestedScrollView. #71

Closed AhmadullahSaikat closed 6 years ago

AhmadullahSaikat commented 6 years ago

Recyclerview inside NestedScrollView. fastScroll not showing.

timusus commented 6 years ago

I've had a look into this..

When you nest a RecyclerView inside a NestedScrollView, the RecyclerViews children are all created at once (rather than as you scroll). This is ill-advised in my opinion, as you lose the benefits of 'recycling' which come with the RecyclerView.

In turn, the RecyclerView's internal draw(Canvas c) is not called as you scroll, which is the trigger for us drawing the fast scroll on the screen.

There's definitely no simple workaround for this. I would recommend you don't nest RecyclerView inside of ScrollView, but instead use a different/separate ViewTypes/ViewHolders for the views you wish to be scrolled with your RecyclerView's content.

I'm closing this issue. This feature is not supported by this library.