timusus / Shuttle

Shuttle Music Player
2.2k stars 477 forks source link

Migrate to Glide 4.0 #167

Open timusus opened 7 years ago

timusus commented 7 years ago

Shuttle version:


Glide 4.0 has been released, and should be integrated into Shuttle:


Excuta commented 4 years ago

I will start working on this, Migrating to 4.11.0 which the newest as of writing this

Excuta commented 4 years ago

I need the androidX pull request done first, should I wait or work off the pull request branch?

P.S. spent 5 hours migrating to androidX and noticed the open pull request after I finished 🤦‍♂

GeoZac commented 4 years ago

The thing is Shuttle 2.0 is in works, and is closed source. Would you mind joining the Discord chat or maybe even DM dev on Discord?