timvideos / HDMI2USB-TOFE-LowSpeedIO

A Low Speed I/O board for use with TOFE-8x compatible boards like the Numato Opsis.
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Add eeprom command #3

Closed mithro closed 8 years ago

mithro commented 8 years ago

Add command to the PIC interface to read/write EEPROM data

> e(eprom?) r(ead?) <addr> (size)
> e(eprom?) w(rite?) <addr> ((size <byte> <byte>)|(<byte>))
mithro commented 8 years ago

Done. https://github.com/timvideos/HDMI2USB-TOFE-LowSpeedIO/commit/6d84851a97de7b0e2464fa451fb4ede03080d725#diff-0a5fda0d59500eeb531dca028039bc4bR409