timvideos / HDMI2USB-litex-firmware

A version of the HDMI2USB firmware based around LiteX tools produced by @Enjoy-Digital (based on misoc+migen created by @M-Labs)
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
145 stars 71 forks source link

Make the switches and LEDs on the Atlys board work #233

Open mithro opened 8 years ago

mithro commented 8 years ago

The old "Jahanzeb" firmware used the switches as described at https://github.com/timvideos/HDMI2USB/wiki/Digilent-Atlys-Board:-Switches,-Buttons-and-Status-LEDs#oldobsolete-stuff

It would be good for the new firmware to do something similar. Changing a switch should also cause a message / notification on the serial control interface.

mithro commented 8 years ago



Button Description
BTNU (N4) Selects HDMI Input 0
BTNL (P4) Selects HDMI Input 1
BTNR (F6) ???
BTND (P3) Selects test pattern.
BTNC (F5) Cycles through the outputs (HDMI Output 0, HDMI Output 1, Encoder)