timvideos / HDMI2USB-mode-switch

Tool for switching boards supported by HDMI2USB firmware between multiple different modes (programming, webcam, etc).
Apache License 2.0
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Convert download-prebuilt-firmware script to use new files #98

Open mithro opened 6 years ago

mithro commented 6 years ago

The following files are now generated as part of the travis build process;

You can find the script which generates them here.

They are built as part of travis here. Look for the following lines at the very end of the log file;

The command "$PWD/.travis/build.sh" exited with 0.
> $PWD/.travis/update-prebuilt-list.sh

You can expand out the $PWD/.travis/update-prebuilt-list.sh line by clicking the little arrow to see the output from the script.

mithro commented 6 years ago

These files should make it much easier to workout how to download the prebuilt firmware. We should change the code to use them.

mithro commented 6 years ago

@CarlFK - PTAL.