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[LiteX] Create a generic debug interface for soft-CPU cores and connect to GDB #39

Open mithro opened 7 years ago

mithro commented 7 years ago

[LiteX] Create a generic debug interface for soft-CPU cores and connect to GDB

Brief explanation

While doing software development being able to use gdb to find out what the CPU is doing is really useful. We would like that for LiteX's multiple soft-CPU implementations running both on real hardware and in simulation.

Expected results

GDB is able to control the soft-CPU implementations on both on real hardware and in simulation.

Detailed Explanation

The student will need to implement the parts shown in blue in the following diagram;

Block Diagram

Further reading

Knowledge Prerequisites


shivmgg commented 5 years ago

If interested, please take a look at: https://gsoc2018timvideos.wordpress.com/2018/08/09/gsoc18-final-submission-report/

GSoC’18 – Final Submission Report
This is the final submission for my Google Summer of Code project and contains the description of the work accomplished and what more needs to be done. During the official coding period, I predomin…