tinacious / angular-picturefill

AngularJS directive for Scott Jehl's Picturefill plugin for responsive images
MIT License
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pf-src not populating data-src #2

Open sk5 opened 10 years ago

sk5 commented 10 years ago

Hello, I have encountered an issue that I haven't been able to pin down after a day of trying to troubleshoot it on my own. I have a few places in my angular app where I am trying to implement your picturefill add on. I have two partials where I am trying to get everything working. The first partial is populated at the root of the site and I am referencing the images from JSON successfully. The second instance is also a partial but a new JSON item is being called to populate it based on the templateURL. The image URL's populate just fine within the picture-fill pf-src but they do not populate the data-src, which in turn results in the img's being blank as well. Everything else works perfectly as intended, the data-src is just isn't populating.

Here are a few bits of code to give you a better picture of the structure

      when('/', {
          templateUrl: 'Partials/home-posts.html',
          controller: 'PostListCtrl'
      when('/post/:postUrl', {
        templateUrl: 'Partials/post.html',
        controller: 'PostDetailsCtrl'

This is the controller for the working picture-fill

postController.controller('PostListCtrl', function($scope, Post) {
    $scope.posts = Post.query();

This is the controller for the failing picture-fill

postController.controller('PostDetailsCtrl', function($scope, $routeParams, Post) {
    $scope.post = Post.get({postUrl: $routeParams.postUrl});

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.

tinacious commented 10 years ago

Hi @sk5, I can take a look at your code for you if you could share it. Can you provide a CodePen or Plunkr of the code that isn't working? It would also be helpful to see the code for the view and Post service.

sk5 commented 10 years ago

Thanks for getting back to me. I went ahead and added a project to my git so you can see the entire base of the project -- https://github.com/sk5/picturefill-dev. That has the two pages that work and don't work. The partials are home-posts.html (working) and post.html (not working). I believe what needs to happen for post.html to work is either a $timeout or $apply after JSON is loaded for the partial?

I started making this all on plunkr but the scenario would take some time to get working on that kind of tool. I am a bit on the newbie side of Angular so if things are done incorrectly, I apologize. I appreciate the help!

mhdSid commented 8 years ago

I encountered the same scenario. In some places the appended image has a src and in other places the img exists in the tree but has no src. I think in your code there is something like "$timeout(picturefill)".

mhdSid commented 8 years ago

Skaters have the same problems and issues....