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🐛 Dropdown menu under page title & unselectable #1849

Closed landonmaxwell closed 2 weeks ago

landonmaxwell commented 2 weeks ago

🐛 Describe the Bug

On https://tina.io/ subdirectories, the dropdown menu is not selectable, and also appears underneath the page E.g. https://tina.io/documentation/

🧑‍💻 Reproduction Steps

  1. Go to 'tina.io/documentation'
  2. Hover over the dropdown menu and try to select an option
  3. See error

💼 Tasks

✅ Acceptance Criteria

Checked by Landon

📸 Screenshots


Cc: @camillars @sethdaily @joshbermanssw

bradystroud commented 2 weeks ago

Done - I just had to revert Joshes changes from #1847 Sorry @joshbermanssw