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✨ Update tailwind.config.js to Align with New Design Library #2405

Open ssw-yakshaver[bot] opened 3 weeks ago

ssw-yakshaver[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

cc: @adamcogan, @Marxoz @landonmaxwell @joshbermanssw @isaaclombardssw

Hi Team!

Watch the video Url: https://tina.io/docs


Update the tailwind.config.js file for Tina.io to ensure consistency with the new design library. This includes updating spacing, radius, border width, font size, opacity, colors, and other design tokens to match the new library. Ensure that the custom shades for gray are replaced with the standard Tailwind colors to avoid discrepancies in design.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Update tailwind.config.js to reflect the new design library values.
  2. Ensure all colors, including grays, match the Tailwind standard colors.
  3. Update border radius, spacing, and shadows to mirror the new design library.
  4. Verify that the changes do not disrupt or break the current live site.
  5. Ensure that the primary, secondary, and tertiary brand colors are correctly defined.


Screenshot Figure: Decision to create a PBI under the tina.io project to fix the tailwindconfig.js file. Requested by: @bettybondoc

bettybondoc commented 2 weeks ago

Pending completion of https://github.com/tinacms/tina.io/issues/2343