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Admin UI breaks after interaction with rich text image #4466

Open Raven0us opened 1 month ago

Raven0us commented 1 month ago

UI breaks when navigating from rich text image menu back to its parent.

The bug does not occur if the parent is the post itself (the rich text field is a top-level field)

See https://jam.dev/c/6b2771d3-e6c9-4499-a1ee-d090a7802604

Additionally, the alt and caption in the rich text image don't do anything, even when they work


guillermodlpa commented 1 month ago

Came across this report trying to find another issue. I was just testing this in a fresh installation of the starter, and I couldn't reproduce it. Also upgrading to latest Tina version 🤔 What's the version?

What I can confirm is that alt and caption have a bug. Caption appears to show as alt. In our project, we implemented a custom image template as a workaround.

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