tinacms / tinacms

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👀 Spike - upload non image files #4494

Open scottgallant opened 3 weeks ago

scottgallant commented 3 weeks ago

CC @JackDevAU @jeffsee55

User Story

As a marketer, I want to be able to upload videos to the Tina CMS media manager, so I can change the videos on our landing pages


Discussed in https://github.com/tinacms/tinacms/discussions/3417

JackDevAU commented 1 day ago

Hey Team,

Identify UX issues when embedding non-image media files into the rich text field

Since there won't be actual picture previews for these. We are suggesting the following,

Investigate how we can restrict upload size limits

This will be done via client (onUpload function) and mainly on the Tina Cloud side.

Identify what file types we want (Could be some malicious types that we don't want)

Let's copy from the greats and only have a small allowed list.

For now lets, include what Cloudinary supports then start adding extras,

Investigate what file types different providers can upload (match them)

Cloudinary supports the following and I think we should support these as a start

Image Figure: Images allowed

Image Figure: Videos allowed