tinalatif / flat.icns

A flat icon set for OS X
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IconRequest : Network Diagnostics #161

Open Brad-O opened 9 years ago

Brad-O commented 9 years ago

This isn’t so much a request for an icon as a request for feedback. I’m new to the whole graphic design thing but I made an icon for Network Diagnostics (I’ve been having a lot of network problems lately so it’s open a lot) and I wanted feedback on it before submitting a pull request.

The Original: Network Diagnostics My Version: network diagnostics

wjramos commented 9 years ago

I like the tools a lot, I think the globe seems a bit overshadowed. I feel like it should be larger, but I'm not sure how to do that without covering up the tools more (maybe have it behind the tools?). I also think the details in the globe could be a bit cleaner, or removed altogether

tinalatif commented 9 years ago

I agree with almost all of of @wjramos's comments. Only thing I disagree with is having the globe behind the tools or removing the nwtwork details - I think it would take away from the primary "point" of the icon (without that, it just looks like any generic settings or config app).

I think the details should be cleaned up though. They're currently tapered and some of them end halfway across the globe, which makes it look kinda... spider web-y? I'm not sure it'll look great, but what I would try is to get rid of the tapering and just have constant-width lines running across the globe that cut off at the edges of the globe (with nodes intact). And maybe make the network a bit brighter/whiter?

Brad-O commented 9 years ago

A new version. The globe is ever so slightly bigger but increasing it much more made it look too bulbous to me (it might be already, what do you think?).
network diagnostics

wjramos commented 9 years ago

I actually think this is perfect - It looks so much better with the brighter, more solid network lines, and I think the globe is the perfect size