tinatiansjz / hmr-survey

[TPAMI 2023] Recovering 3D Human Mesh from Monocular Images: A Survey
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Related papers appearing in ICCV'23/NeurIPS'23; Recent papers missed out in the survey. #4

Open HongwenZhang opened 11 months ago

HongwenZhang commented 11 months ago

This issue is intended to collect related papers appearing in ICCV'23/NeurIPS'23 and recent papers missed out in the survey. Please feel free to post comments if you have any suggestions!

HongwenZhang commented 11 months ago

The following papers have been updated to the arXiv version of the survey [v6, Jan.2, 2023].

Datasets SynBody: Synthetic Dataset with Layered Human Models for 3D Human Perception and Modeling Motion-X: A Large-scale 3D Expressive Whole-body Human Motion Dataset

Whole-Body Mesh Recovery SMPLer-X: Scaling Up Expressive Human Pose and Shape Estimation Towards Robust and Expressive Whole-body Human Pose and Shape Estimation

Diffusion for HMR Distribution-Aligned Diffusion for Human Mesh Recovery Probabilistic Human Mesh Recovery in 3D Scenes from Egocentric Views Generative Approach for Probabilistic Human Mesh Recovery using Diffusion Models

Transformer for HMR TORE: Token Reduction for Efficient Human Mesh Recovery with Transformer JOTR: 3D Joint Contrastive Learning with Transformers for Occluded Human Mesh Recovery

Domain Adaptation Cyclic Test-Time Adaptation on Monocular Video for 3D Human Mesh Reconstruction

Output Type 3D Human Mesh Recovery with Sequentially Global Rotation Estimation

Camera Setting Zolly: Zoom Focal Length Correctly for Perspective-Distorted Human Mesh Reconstruction