tingbot / tingbot-os

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Speed up disk image creation #17

Closed furbrain closed 8 years ago

furbrain commented 8 years ago

This PR enables pyzmq and pillow to be installed as binaries through debian rather than through pip - this skips a lengthy compilation process.

I've also added a dependency on tingbot-gui and wifi (needed for the newer springboard with network selection). I've been able to test this on a real tingbot and it all seems to be working now. This PR relies on https://github.com/tingbot/tbprocessd/pull/5 to relax the requirements for pyzmq. I've reviewed the relevant changelogs and can't find any likely source of breakage from this.

joerick commented 8 years ago

Thanks furbrain! Can you check that tbtail still works on an image made with this PR?

I think the springboard needs a more thorough review, especially with pulling in tingbot-gui - could you remove that from this PR, and we'll review it separately?

furbrain commented 8 years ago

I can confirm that tbtail still works - had to use it while debugging. I've removed springboard completely from the repo and set it to download dynamically in the Makefile - so that all changes are managed from the springboard repo, rather than being split between the two repos - hope that's ok.

joerick commented 8 years ago

Thanks for confirming about tbtail. That's fine, yeah let's keep the springboard separate, it can be developed separately.

joerick commented 8 years ago

Could you also change the Makefile so it copies root to build/root and then adds springboard.tingapp to that copy? Would like to keep source and build files separate.

furbrain commented 8 years ago

Makefile now copies root to build\root and extracts springboard.tingapp from a specified revision

joerick commented 8 years ago

👍 Nice work.