By extracting the core implementation of test scaffolding and test running, other projects such as typst-lsp and typst-preview could benefit from it without needing to interface with the bare bones binary interface.
Typst-preview already supports a special presentation mode for polylux, it's not too far-fetched to assume they could be interested in a special test-watching mode. Likewise, typst-lsp could allow discovering and running tests easily.
By extracting the core implementation of test scaffolding and test running, other projects such as typst-lsp and typst-preview could benefit from it without needing to interface with the bare bones binary interface.
Typst-preview already supports a special presentation mode for polylux, it's not too far-fetched to assume they could be interested in a special test-watching mode. Likewise, typst-lsp could allow discovering and running tests easily.