tingofurro / summac

Codebase, data and models for the SummaC paper in TACL
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Missing packages in `SummaC - Main Results.ipynb` (`utils_scoring`, `model_guardrails`, etc.) #2

Closed ryokamoi closed 2 years ago

ryokamoi commented 2 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to reproduce your results with SummaC - Main Results.ipynb, but I guess there are some missing packages such as utils_scoring and model_guardrails. It would be very helpful if you could provide them.

Thank you for your great work!

tingofurro commented 2 years ago

Hey Ryo,

Indeed those utils files were missing, sorry about that. I've added them now. model_guardrails technically requires spaCy for NER, so if you don't want that requirement you can comment out the NERInaccuracyPenalty model in the Jupyter Notebook and you won't need spaCy.

I hope it works now!