tinify / magento1-plugin

Speed up your Magento 1 webshop. Optimize your JPEG and PNG images automatically with TinyPNG.
MIT License
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Is this still maintained? How is it different to tig-nl/tinypng-magento1 ? #5

Open bluec opened 5 years ago

bluec commented 5 years ago

Confused about the two repos for what appears to be the same plugin. Is this repo still in use or is https://github.com/tig-nl/tinypng-magento1 the new version/fork that is actively maintained?

tig-dennisvanderhammen commented 5 years ago

Hi @bluec,

Both Github repo's are up-to-date (as of now at least), and both are actively maintained. I understand that having two different repo's for the same codebase is a bit confusing, and I'll have to discuss internally what we will do about this.

I would recommend using this repository (within the Tinify organization) and I will update the other repository accordingly to make it clear to use this one.

About the issue that you've already posted in the other repo, I recommend keeping the communication within that issue to prevent miscommunications.