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Exclude forcetypeassert and noctx checks from test files #17

Closed tstromberg closed 2 years ago

tstromberg commented 2 years ago

noctx and forcetypeassert checks mostly serve to catch unexpected production runtime faults, and are raise lint issues that aren't necessary to resolve in tests. For instance:

http-server/http_server_test.go:276:31: should rewrite http.NewRequestWithContext or add (*Request).WithContext (noctx)
            req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", test.url, nil)


packet_test.go:372:3: type assertion must be checked (forcetypeassert)
        px := p.(*packetOACK)

Rather than generate extra work for coders and reviewers, I think we should turn these checks off for tests where they are unlikely to ever generate unexpected behavior.