Craft installations previous to version 3.2 (and projects upgraded from those installations) used version 2 of the [vlucas/phpdotenv]() package. Version 2 of this package used a different method for loading environment files, and the current Craft driver fails with the following error:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Dotenv\Dotenv::create() in phar:///Applications/
Stack trace:
#0 phar:///Applications/ CraftTinkerwellDriver->bootstrap('/Users/mdrzycim...')
#1 /Applications/ require('phar:///Applica...')
#2 {main}
thrown in phar:///Applications/ on line 28
Craft installations previous to version 3.2 (and projects upgraded from those installations) used version 2 of the [vlucas/phpdotenv]() package. Version 2 of this package used a different method for loading environment files, and the current Craft driver fails with the following error: