tino / pyFirmata

Python interface for the Firmata (http://firmata.org/) protocol. It is compliant with Firmata 2.1. Any help with updating to 2.2 is welcome. The Capability Query is implemented, but the Pin State Query feature not yet.
MIT License
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board.digital[pin].write(1) not working? #63

Open alryan opened 7 years ago

alryan commented 7 years ago

Hi! I am a Django Developer and new to arduino. I am trying to light up a LED using the basic usage code from the docs

from pyfirmata import Arduino, util
board = ArduinoMega("COM4")

But I just cant make it work. Can you help me with this? I am using arduino mega 2560 and running on windows 7.

tino commented 7 years ago

Hi, there is a lot that could be wrong. Can you read any values? Does it work if you try the built-in led (digital 11 if I remember correctly)?