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Fair Division 8 Strategic Aspects of Fair Divison | min hjemmeside #256

Open tinsir888 opened 2 months ago

tinsir888 commented 2 months ago


Objective: Investigate strategic aspects of fair division, considering Pure Nash equilibria and fairness. Activities: Review the paper Allocating Indi

tinsir888 commented 2 months ago

Presentation Sketch of This Paper:

Strategic Setting

The Fair allocation algorithm can be seen as MECHANISM.

Agents are strategic players:

Questions we ask

  1. Does there always exist Pure Nash Equilibrium (abbr. PNE)?
  2. Does the output of mechanism with PNE input comply with fairness notion?

Main Results

The paper explore 2 methods: Round-Robin and Cut-and-Choose. Both of them have PNE.

The 3 main results:

  1. Round-Robin (abbr. RR): For $n$ strategic agents, $m$ goods, if RR receives the PNE input, output allocation is EF1 w.r.t. all players' true valuation. (hard☠️)
  2. Cut-and-Choose: For $2$ strategic agents, $m$ goods, if it receives the PNE input, output allocation is EFX + MMS w.r.t. true valuation. (easy😄)
  3. For any mechanism has EFX-Equilibrium, the output is EFX + (better than 2/3)-MMS allocation w.r.t. true valuation. (hard☠️)


Let agent $1$ be the first to choose the item in each round.

Lemma 1: if all the agents are truth-telling, agent $1$ is EF-satisfied. (trivial😄)

RR is a non-truthful mechanism.

Theorem 3: For $2$ agents, every PNE input, the output of RR is EF1.

Theorem 4: For $\ge3$ agents, every PNE input, the output of RR is EF1. (VERY HARD☠️)

Theorem 5: If $\mathbf b1$ is Best Response (BR) to $\mathbf b{-1}$, agent $1$ is EF-satisfied with $A_1$.

Lemma 2 (VERY HARD☠️): If BR $\mathbf b_1$ induces strict preference and $RR(\mathbf b1,\mathbf b{-1})$ produces $A_1$, there exist $v_1^*$ s.t.

  1. $\mathbf b_1=v_1^$
  2. $v_1^*(A_1)=v_1(A_1)$
  3. $v_1^*(g)=v_1(g)\forall g\not\in A_1$
  4. $RR(\mathbf b1*,\mathbf b{-1})$ also produces $A_1$.


It's also a non-truthful mechanism.

Algorithm Detail

  1. Sort the goods in decreasing order according to agent $1$'s bids.
  2. Agent $1$ allocates each good to bundle with currently lower bundle.
  3. Agent $2$ choose one of the bundle according to her bids.

Lemma 4: Agent $1$ can manimuplate partition whatever she wants. (easy😄)

Thus by strategic bidding, agent $1$ can force $\min(v_1(A_1),v_1(A_2))\ge\mu_1$. (MMS-satisfied to agent $1$)

Theorem 6: For $2$ agents and PNE inputs, Cut-and-Choose derivates MMS + EFX.

EFX Nash Equilibria

Consider all mechanisms that have PNE for every instance, and these equilibria always lead to EFX allocations.

For general EFX allocation, its 2/3-MMS (2/3 is tight bound). In this part, this paper proves that with PNE input, these mechanisms produce EFX + (better than 2/3)MMS.

tinsir888 commented 2 months ago

另外:关于 cut and choose 机制,如果两个智能体诚实报价,分配只能是 EFX,可能不是 MMS 的😮Iannis 给了举了一个例子,最坏的情况下是 2/3-MMS 的。

这就厉害了:如果两个智能体都按纯纳什均衡里的策略来进行报价,反而更能提升这个机制的公平性(既 EFX 又 MMS)!👏