tinted-theming / base16-builder-go

A base16 builder written in go, focused on convenience for template maintainers.
MIT License
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Builder is breaking once it reaches templates/telegram-desktop/ themes #10

Closed jonleopard closed 2 years ago

jonleopard commented 5 years ago


There is an issue once the builder reaches telegram-desktop themes:

INFO[0002] Rendering template default in templates/telegram-desktop 
FATA[0002] open templates/telegram-desktop/themes/base16-atelier-savanna: is a directory

This same error is actually happening in another project (base16-vim-lightline), I've opened up an issue there as well. I'm pretty new to Go, but is there a way the builder can handle directories?

belak commented 5 years ago

Oh boy... I'm not actually sure what to do with this - they use a custom build.sh script which only works with the python base16-builder.

belak commented 5 years ago

Well, I've added --ignore-errors to the build subcommand (in 330e471). You can also provide the name of the template you want to build.

However, this is just a stop-gap. I'm not sure how projects like this which break builders should be handled by the upstream base16 project since one of the ideas is that you should be able to fire up any builder and build everything..

belak commented 5 years ago

I've also opened https://github.com/chriskempson/base16-templates-source/issues/62 and revived https://github.com/chriskempson/base16/issues/52 to (hopefully) start a discussion around what to do with repos like this which don't conform to the base16 spec but are still built with base16

jonleopard commented 5 years ago

Chris seems to be pretty absent these days, but I'm also hopeful we can find a way to resolve this and (perhaps) prevent it from happening again in the future.

Thanks for providing all the info as well as creating this tool :)

belak commented 2 years ago

This has been fixed as of the latest release - we don't attempt to build all templates now.