tinted-theming / base16-emacs

Base16 themes for Emacs
MIT License
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Add telephone-line faces #103

Closed InspectorMustache closed 4 years ago

InspectorMustache commented 4 years ago

Support for telephone-line. Let me know if there's anything you don't agree with in terms of color choices.

belak commented 4 years ago

Could you post a before and after screenshot please? It makes it a ton easier to review these PRs when I'm not as familiar with the packages.

InspectorMustache commented 4 years ago

Of course, sorry. I should've had a look at previous PRs to see how it's done. Anyway, here are some before and after pictures. In the course of taking these, I also tweaked the evil-emacs face a bit. (I'm using base16-default-dark for these.)

Before: emacs_1unthemed_cropped After: emacs_2themed_cropped

Before: insert_1unthemed_cropped After: insert_2themed_cropped

Before: normal_1unthemed_cropped After: normal_2themed_cropped

Before: operator_1unthemed_cropped After: operator_2themed_cropped

Before: replace_1unthemed_cropped After: replace_2themed_cropped

Before: visual_1unthemed_cropped After: visual_2themed_cropped

belak commented 4 years ago

Looks good to me! Thanks for this!