tinted-theming / base16-emacs

Base16 themes for Emacs
MIT License
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Make colors available to user #15

Closed justmytwospence closed 8 years ago

justmytwospence commented 8 years ago

Could this package make the baseXX color variables available to the user after package loading for their own further customization? I'm not sure if this is an unusual thing for an emacs theme to do, but it seems reasonable.

belak commented 8 years ago

What format do you think makes the most sense? I'm not sure if an alist or separate variables makes more sense.

justmytwospence commented 8 years ago

Either one. An alist would be a little easier on the global namespace, but much less convenient to use. I vote for separate variables with a consistent base16- prefix

belak commented 8 years ago

I was imagining something like this

(setq base16-default-dark-colors ((base00 . "#181818")
                                  (base01 . "#282828")
                                  (base02 . "#383838")
                                  (base03 . "#585858")
                                  (base04 . "#b8b8b8")
                                  (base05 . "#d8d8d8")
                                  (base06 . "#e8e8e8")
                                  (base07 . "#f8f8f8")
                                  (base08 . "#ab4642")
                                  (base09 . "#dc9656")
                                  (base0A . "#f7ca88")
                                  (base0B . "#a1b56c")
                                  (base0C . "#86c1b9")
                                  (base0D . "#7cafc2")
                                  (base0E . "#ba8baf")
                                  (base0F . "#a16946")))

Alternatively, there could be separate color vars for each, but I'd rather avoid that.

justmytwospence commented 8 years ago

Works for me 👍

belak commented 8 years ago

I've added each color set as a plist.

(plist-get base16-default-dark-colors :base00) will get base00 from the default-dark scheme.

I'll do my best to maintain backwards compatibility in the future unless there's a very compelling reason not to.

justmytwospence commented 8 years ago

Neat; thanks!