tinted-theming / base16-emacs

Base16 themes for Emacs
MIT License
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Define sp-show-pair-match-face #34

Closed mkaito closed 7 years ago

mkaito commented 7 years ago

The default is a blue that makes text impossible to read with a dark theme. Should probably be defined in the theme template as something more readable.

The default seems to be:

Foreground: #969896
Background: #81a2be

I'd gladly send a PR but I'm terrible at picking colours that don't look like crap.

belak commented 7 years ago

I'll hopefully be able to take a look at this later today.

belak commented 7 years ago

This is another instance of it being hard to find colors which match well between multiple themes. It looked alright on default-dark, but it looks pretty painful on tomorrow-night.

smartparens defaults to inheriting from show-paren- faces for anyone who wants to take a closer look at this.

belak commented 7 years ago

Interestingly enough the problem wasn't the background, but the foreground. There wasn't enough contrast so it ended up looking unreadable. I've checked against base16-default-dark, base16-default-light, base16-tomorrow-night, and base16-github and it appears to look fine with both light and dark themes.

mkaito commented 7 years ago

You're awesome!