tinted-theming / base16-vim

base16-vim refreshes and commits new themes weekly automatically and has a documented build process.
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[Bug report] Links in help docs are the same color as regular text. #73

Closed andy-gorman closed 8 months ago

andy-gorman commented 8 months ago

Describe the bug

Links in help docs should be a different color than the typical text, but using base16-shell and base16-vim, that is not the case.

Expected behavior

Links have a different color than typical text in a help document.


Screenshot 2023-12-28 at 6 33 04 PM

In the screenshot above, the text g0 is a link, and should not appear as regular text.



Vim or Neovim version: v0.9.4

Any other plugins you may consider relevant:

Minimal configuration file

Bashrc contents

[ -n "$PS1" ] && \
    [ -s "$BASE16_SHELL_PATH/profile_helper.sh" ] && \
        source "$BASE16_SHELL_PATH/profile_helper.sh"

Neovim's init.lua file

local set_theme_path = "$HOME/.config/tinted-theming/set_theme.lua"
local is_set_theme_file_readable = vim.fn.filereadable(vim.fn.expand(set_theme_path)) == 1 and true or false
if is_set_theme_file_readable then
        vim.cmd("let base16colorspace=256")
        vim.cmd("source" .. set_theme_path)

Additional context

I tooled around a bit with regular vim as well and had the same issue.

JamyGolden commented 8 months ago

Hey @andy-gorman :wave: Hmm, do you have base16-vim/colors directory existing at ~/.config/nvim/colors? I have symlinked ln -s /path/to/base16-vim/colors ~/.config/nvim/colors. Just checking since the lua you added to init.lua won't do anything unless those files exist there since it's essentially just running :colorscheme <SCHEME> in vim.

I've done a quick check and it seems like the links are highlighted on my setup: image

andy-gorman commented 8 months ago

Hey @JamyGolden, yes I followed the installation instructions specified here https://github.com/tinted-theming/base16-vim#manual-neovim

JamyGolden commented 8 months ago

What theme are you using? I see base16_classic-dark is mentioned, but the theme looks different in your screenshot. Does the issue continue to happen while using different themes?

andy-gorman commented 8 months ago

Ah, you're right, in that screenshot, I'm using nord. The issue does persist across separate themes for me.

JamyGolden commented 8 months ago

It's strange anyway though, since it seems to work correctly in Nord for me: image

andy-gorman commented 8 months ago

Hm. Is there anything else I could provide that would be useful to help identify what's happening? I'm baffled as well by this. I am going to try to poke around with my install this weekend to see if I can debug what's going on.

JamyGolden commented 8 months ago

@BonaBeavis do you have any ideas about what the cause of this could be?

andy-gorman commented 8 months ago

Hello! I haven't been able to make any headway here. Am I just out of luck for the time being?

JamyGolden commented 8 months ago

Hello :) I'd suggest updating all your apps and making sure it's all running the latest versions. I can't replicate this, even with base16-nord on nvim on my Linux or Mac machine. Since I'm unable to debug I'll close the issue. If you find a way to replicate it, feel free to open this issue again.