tinted-theming / base16-vim

base16-vim refreshes and commits new themes weekly automatically and has a documented build process.
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Add Base24 template support and rename repo to tinted-vim #83

Open JamyGolden opened 1 month ago

JamyGolden commented 1 month ago



JamyGolden commented 1 month ago

Since you've created a PR recently @AntoinePrv it would be great if you could glance over at least the templates/base16.mustache to make sure there aren't any breaking changes. Any feedback is welcome!

GordianDziwis commented 1 month ago

Having a template for base16 and base24 is a lot of duplication. Is it feasible to have just the base24 template and then define a mapping from the 16 base16 colors to the 24 base24 colors?

JamyGolden commented 1 month ago

I could change things to have a single template we work on for all theme systems. I'd have to create variables for every value though, so we don't style directly with gui08 and instead have let s:syntax_class = "#{{palette.base08}}. That way the variable values can be set from the theme system.