tinted-theming / base24

Base24/ Base16 can be used to easily generate your favourite theme for your favourite application. Many of the template repositories provide theme files that you can copy/ import into said application.
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Why is `base0F` deprecated? #27

Closed musjj closed 6 months ago

musjj commented 7 months ago


Is there a reason why the color is deprecated? It seems like a waste to remove a color from the already scarce 24-slot bandwidth. Also this means that there are actually only 23 colors, making the name misleading.

FredHappyface commented 7 months ago

This was originally due to a misunderstanding with the base16 documentation. So I really need to update the documentation. Essentially, it's not actually deprecated at all, and was intended as a colour for deprecated functions etc

FredHappyface commented 6 months ago

Updated in https://github.com/tinted-theming/base24/commit/cdb598c5b2a0bdba52269aaaa82c9ce41a50d890