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Decide on a new name for the organization #38

Closed belak closed 1 year ago

belak commented 2 years ago

In the README and spec, we use base16, Base16, Base 16, and base 16 in different places. We should choose one to standardize on and stick to it.

I personally prefer either base16 or Base16 (without the space). I think Base16 would be better because having base16 in titles would look strange when the rest of the title/heading is in title case, but that's only a slight preference.

NNBnh commented 2 years ago

I also prefer "Base16" because:

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

Only because people are always going to be getting it wrong (and capping it) if we use base16 would I say "Base16"... but honestly the lowercase is growing on me.

NNBnh commented 2 years ago

I have a few ideas:

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

We'll likely still introduce a BaseX or Base17 style system/family (to continue to evolve the format), but for the org name itself we were trying to distance ourselves from Base16 now that Chris backed out. We'd like a broader name... then Base16, Base17, Base24, Ansi16 (and hopefully others) are all just different (compatible?) style systems we would support that fall under our umbrella.

belak commented 2 years ago

Before I forget, here are a few we've been throwing around in IRC but decided against for various reasons. Maybe they'll be a good inspiration.

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

My favorites that have been discussed:

Or something that would express that concept. It's a little looser conceptually than "themes everywhere" but I like the looseness.

NNBnh commented 2 years ago
  • kala-project - we originally thought this was "color" in Hawaiian, but it turns out this is the Americanized version of the actual word, so it seems less than great

kala is less than great but still very good and for me it's the best name so far.

Kala Everywhere

This express the project pretty well but maybe it's a bit too long. We could use Kala Everywhere as the full name of the project or the name of the org only.

I have checking around and find an unrelated project with the same name https://github.com/ajvb/kala. Not sure if this is an issue or not...

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

as the full name of the project or the name of the org only.

That's what we're talking about here now - just the org name. Our first style system is likely be Base17, a follow-up to Base16 that fixes several of what we consider it's failings. Base16 remains with Chris, so we no long need to clarity it's naming.

wez commented 2 years ago

Just driving by here to register my interest in the name that gets selected. I'm the author of wezterm and I have some automation that aggregates and embeds color schemes from a variety of sources.

I just added the Chris' base16 list as a source and I have your schemes as another source in some uncommitted code, but I need a stable name for the identifier. For example, base16 themes show as NAME (base16). The intent is that the name is stable across releases, so I'm holding off landing this pending change until the name is settled!

You can see examples of some of the schemes in the scheme browser; this page is just the schemes whose name starts with "a": https://wezfurlong.org/wezterm/colorschemes/a/index.html

I've subscribed to this issue, but I also wanted to make myself known as I'm also interested in your expanded color schemes for terminals once that has been finalized; I can't watch every issue in here, but please @ me if you want me to see something.

belak commented 2 years ago

Thanks for reaching out @wez! I think the most relevant to you will be the base17 and ansi16 scheme families we're working on. I'll try to remember to ping you when those are getting closer to being ready.

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

@wez Dude your previews are awesome.

wez commented 2 years ago

@joshgoebel I'm pleased with how they turned out: previously I was generating screenshots but that makes the repo big and bloaty. I just switched to using the asciinema web player and it feels much better!

JamyGolden commented 2 years ago

Something that seems to be missing here is that we also mentioned that we don't want the spelling "color" or "colour" in the name, since we don't want to deal with the US English/International English spelling of the word.

It would also be good to have something that is shorter to say if possible. Not a long name.

Just throwing in some variations on the ones we liked (with some mispellings of "color/colour"):

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

I like spektrum. I could imagine the visible title as maybe a mix of name + half slogan...

belak commented 2 years ago

Right now, I'm personally leaning towards Alkaline. This was proposed by @MultisampledNight in IRC. I think it also came up before in the channel.

In their words "The name sounds special, but is not impossible to pronounce, its origin is easy to grasp but not immediately obvious for a person who never interacted with the base* family"

I see it as a fun tongue-in-cheek play on "basic" (and therefore a play on base16), it's pretty unique, the only things which show up when Googling for Alkaline Github are single repos rather than a whole org, it's not very long, and I don't think there are different spellings in different countries.

I've reserved @alkaline-themes, @alkaline-theming and @alkaline-project for now in case if we decide to go with it. I'll drop whichever ones we don't use when we make our decision.

JamyGolden commented 2 years ago

I think "Alkaline" is a good name. I'd vote for going with @alkaline-themes vs project for the org name since "themes" adds some more information as to what the org does, while "project" is just a filler word.

joshgoebel commented 2 years ago

Personally makes me think of batteries and food. 🤔 Though I prefer "theming" a lot more than "theme" in all the examples I've seen. It sounds more broad... theming is a much larger ecosystem IMHO than "themes" which might imply "a list of themes to download"...

wez commented 2 years ago

for whatever my word is worth: Alkaline doesn't make me think of color. If you hadn't explained the connection to bases I wouldn't have understood the relation. Also: "base" also doesn't really make me think of color, it's only because I have heard of base16 in relation to schemes that I understand what it means, but I never understood why it was named base16 until I recently looked more deeply at how it works.

I suspect most of your users will be consumers of color schemes rather than producers of them, so it may be worth biasing towards a name that associates with color, themes or schemes more easily in people's minds.

I've encountered plenty of projects with clever names that I can never recall later, and I think it's a shame as I can't be the only one that ends up not coming back to them because they were out-foxed by the name and never able to find them again!

You could use a more color/theme name for the project/organization but use something like "alkaline system" for your proposed extensions to base16; it doesn't have to be one or the other!

belak commented 2 years ago

Those are all fair points. I think I'll drop the alkaline-* orgs.

These are the new top contenders (in order of my preference):

belak commented 2 years ago

I'd like to make a decision fairly soon on renaming the org - any contenders you want considered should be submitted by the end of this week (July 24th) and we'll try to make a decision reasonably soon afterwards.

belak commented 2 years ago

This is still on our radar - unfortunately because Adobe has a project called React Spectrum and the first search result for "spectrum theming" and "spektrum theming" are https://react-spectrum.adobe.com/react-spectrum/theming.html, we're dropping that as an option for the time being.

Our most likely options are looking like Tinted or Tint, unless there's an obvious reason to avoid those.

josephholsten commented 1 year ago

@belak what's left to decide? I've got a scheme I've been working on and would like to rename https://github.com/josephholsten/base16-mutt, https://github.com/josephholsten/obsidian-base16 etc.

If you're going with tinted or tint, please let's also explicitly give guidance about what to name generators, color schemes, etc.

belak commented 1 year ago

@belak what's left to decide? I've got a scheme I've been working on and would like to rename https://github.com/josephholsten/base16-mutt, https://github.com/josephholsten/obsidian-base16 etc.

Good question! For now, all those will stay the same. The org is being renamed to tinted-theming, and will eventually expand to cover more scheme systems (Such as base16 and base24).

It's still a little up in the air as to whether we'll have "our version" of base16 and Chris's version of base16, or if we'll go through with renaming ours (base17 is the current front runner). That will happen a ways down the road.

If you're going with tinted or tint, please let's also explicitly give guidance about what to name generators, color schemes, etc.

Yes, good call-out. We know the org name, but we're still figuring out what supporting multiple scheme systems will look like in the future. We'll make sure to provide guidance on these.

belak commented 1 year ago

On a related note, I'm hoping to do the rename in the next week or so - sorry it's taken me so long, life has been very busy as of late.

belak commented 1 year ago

Well, I had a few spare minutes, so I renamed the org. There's now a new (replacement) org in place so nobody should be able to snipe it and break any redirects. The existing admins (JamyGolden and joshgoebel) have been invited to that org as owners.

Now all that's left is to fix all the links, and references to the old org locations. If you see any, please feel free to mention them or open PRs!

Thanks for your patience everyone!

josephholsten commented 1 year ago

heh, was just about to check out one of the repos and noticed the rename. Yay!